Over the past decade, Star Wars adaptations have surged, fueled by Disney’s acquisition of the legendary sci-fi franchise. This Star Wars renaissance has introduced new TV series, a fresh movie trilogy, and numerous video game spin-offs. Among these, The Mandalorian on Disney+ has become one of the most successful, now inspiring an upcoming spin-off film, The Mandalorian and Grogu.
Reports from Puck’s newsletter indicated that filming had wrapped, while other sources, such as the Bespin Bulletin, suggested that production might continue until December. Either way, it seems The Mandalorian and Grogu is nearing the end of its production phase. If so, the upcoming film could pave the way for Mandalorian characters to return to the gaming world. After Respawn canceled its planned game centered on The Mandalorian, the success of the film might just rekindle interest in reviving that project.
Image credit to Disney