The Mandalorian & Grogu is an upcoming American space Western film directed by Jon Favreau, with a screenplay by Favreau and Dave Filoni. Produced by Lucasfilm and set for distribution by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, the film extends the Star Wars saga and continues the story from the Disney+ series The Mandalorian. Pedro Pascal reprises his role as Din Djarin, also known as The Mandalorian, joined by Sigourney Weaver in a prominent role.
By February 2023, Favreau and Filoni had completed writing the fourth season of The Mandalorian, but production was halted due to the Writers Guild of America and SAG-AFTRA strikes that same year. During this hiatus, Lucasfilm reassessed its Star Wars strategy, ultimately prioritizing a feature film for The Mandalorian over a new season. The film was officially announced in January 2024, with filming starting in California by August and wrapping up in October.
The Mandalorian & Grogu is set to premiere in U.S. theaters on May 22, 2026.
Photo by Maciej Karoń on Unsplash